List of Top Local Search Engine Optimization

Once again, proves to be leading on a different category in which determined through their rigorous research and analysis of different internet marketing companies and the strategies they utilize. made it to list of Top Local Search Engine Optimization list this year (2013.)

For Link2City this is an extraordinary accomplishment, as we’ve been working very hard in the last few years in putting all of our clients in leading and ranking positions on the World Wide Net.

Local Marketing as well as National Internet Marketing are priority for Link2City, but it is most certainly a pleasure to know that we have made an impact on a local basis, which means we are helping local businesses/companies reach leading statuses, recognition in their industry, as well as making local businesses more prosperous.

It is not easy to make it to list of Top Local Search Engine Optimization or any other category for that matter, as put Internet Marketing Agencies through an extensive evaluation, in which companies such as are rated on their capacities on a variety of aspects, such as- reporting, keyword selection, needs analysis, optimization and localization.

Apparently, excelled in all these different aspects that are utilized to help different websites rank.

2013 has been a great year of growth and accomplishment for and we are both honored and thankful to have made it to list of Top Local Search Engine Optimization, as well as their top list of Social Media Consultants.

We can only hope to continue on this successful path in which we get recognition from highly regarded establishments like Words can’t express just how honored and thankful Link2City is…

About Link2City Inc.

For the last 14 years, has been a leading Technology Company in South Florida. Our success has spanned the pre-internet digital services to today’s highly specialized on-line Development, Precision Marketing and Social Media Platforms. As a selected Google Qualified Agency, we have been exceptional at learning, foreseeing, reinventing and most of all- at executing all of these strategies.

Our customized services include Web Design, Website Production, Proprietary Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Managed Hosting, Integrated E-Commerce Solutions, Total Website Promotion, Search Engine Marketing, Pay per click – Paid Placement and Custom Programming. Please contact us at or 305-259-7776.

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