New Hosted Exchange Security Feature

  • November 11, 2020

As a Link2City customer with Hosted Exchange, you have been enjoying the reliability of our Exchange email service. In the coming months, new capabilities are being introduced to our email security service to provide enhanced protection against targeted attacks using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

These capabilities are provided by a new “AI Guardian” option that will be included with your email protection package in the November-December 2020 timeframe. As part of our cutting-edge email protection strategy, we are integrating an innovative third-party AI-based security engine into our email protection service that will review patterns and structure in each user’s email communication to help identify phishing and other types of targeted attacks.

This is still an evolving feature and you will receive additional notifications before the AI Guardian capability is enabled. No action is required on your part to activate AI Guardian and/or we can disable AI Guardian at any time, including between now and when it is released. Note that AI Guardian will be automatically enabled at the time of release unless you let us know to disable it.

When AI Guardian is activated for your accounts, additional tags will be applied to suspicious emails to notify and educate your users about potential threats. We will provide additional details about these tags as the capability is released.